The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside their podcast cohost, T.K. Coleman, this simple-living trio helps millions of people eliminate clutter and live meaningfully with less. Learn More.
Read our free ebook: 16 Rules for Living with Less

3 Christmas Gifts from The Minimalists

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays! Whichever holiday you celebrate (or even if you don’t celebrate at all), we have three gifts for you:

3 Gifts from The Minimalists

Free Book. Last week we published the second edition of Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life. And now, as our gift to you, you can read it for free: download the free PDF here. If you’d prefer the paperback, audiobook, or a different ebook version, you can still purchase those here.

New Podcast. Surprise! The Minimalists Podcast will officially launch in January 2016, but you can download our special first episode today on iTunes, or you can stream it on Soundcloud. And be sure subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts, if you’d like to hear future episodes.

Online Meetups. We’re also answering questions live on our weekly video broadcast: join us on Periscope every Tuesday at 7 PM EST until the end of January 2016, or post your questions on social media using our hashtag #AskTheMinimalists. If you missed yesterday’s video, you can watch it up to 24 hours after the broadcast. (You can also meet like-minded folks in our free Local Meetup Groups at What a great way to start 2016!)

3 Gifts for The Minimalists

If you find value in our work and would like to give us a gift, please consider any of the following (all of which we find meaningful):

Review. If you enjoy the new edition of Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, would you be willing to review it on Amazon? Doing so will help us improve the book’s overall rating.

Rate. If you like our new podcast, would you be willing to rate it on iTunes? Your review will help our message reach new sets of ears.

Contribute. The old saying is true: ’tis better to give than to receive. So we’d be remiss if we didn’t discuss the gift of giving. A few months ago Ryan donated his birthday to help build a family-style orphanage in Honduras. Good news—we’re halfway to our goal! Perhaps you’d be willing to help us get all the way there: if you have any extra holiday cash, would you consider donating a few bucks to help build a home for this group of orphans?