The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside their podcast cohost, T.K. Coleman, this simple-living trio helps millions of people eliminate clutter and live meaningfully with less. Learn More.
Read our free ebook: 16 Rules for Living with Less

Minimalist Home Tour: JFM

Well, here we are again. It’s been awhile since I’ve let y’all inside my home.

The last time was four years ago, in the autumn of 2012, when Ryan and I moved to a mountainside cabin near Philipsburg, Montana, where we wrote my favorite creation, Everything That Remains.

Before that, in 2011, I showed y’all my modest one-bedroom apartment in my hometown, Dayton, Ohio (the birthplace of aviation, hundred-spoke gold rims, and, of course, The Minimalists).

And even earlier than that, in 2010, I shared a photo of my loft in downtown Dayton, from which I soon moved so I could pay off my debt.

Much has changed over the years, but one thing remains constant: I prefer a simple, calm, clutterfree living space (so does my partner, thankfully). Now that my family circumstances are different, people frequently ask to see an updated tour of my home.

So here we go. But please don’t mistake our preferences as a prescription for how you “should” live. Our version of minimalism may not be yours. If you find value in bright pink walls, collections of angel statuettes, and shelves brimming with books, then, by all means, live your authentic life. This is simply what works well for Rebecca, Ella, and me at age 35.

Minimalist Home Tour 2017

When you first walk in, this is where you hang your coat, remove your shoes:

You’re soon greeted by a reading chair and Ella’s “Ella-phant” at the front of the livingroom (not pictured: there’s also a Christmas tree in the middle of the room):

Across the room is a favorite morning-coffee spot:

Sometimes, at night, Ella turns the livingroom into an introvert party:

Afterward, she always cleans up (with a little encouragement):

Where’s the artwork, you ask? It’s all around us: the architecture, the plants, the furniture, the books on my Kindle, the music in the air. No, I’m not opposed to paintings on my walls, but I also don’t feel obligated to hang a frame on drywall to feel complete. I am complete, as are you, even in an empty room. The stuff, then, only augments that which is already whole. (Besides, there’s a functionally infinite amount of art at the museums I frequent.)

But, I digress. Let’s move on to the kitchen, where Bex prepares delicious meals for us that she features on her website, Minimal Wellness (seriously, she’s an awesome cook):

Tunes for cooking (current playlist):

If you take a closer look, you’ll discover that even a minimalist family has a junk drawer:

Now through the open dining area…

…and out the backdoor…

…we find a small patio and backyard:

OK, let’s go back inside and head upstairs. Look out for the donation box on the stairway—Ella is attempting to donate half her toys:

One of Ella’s favorite “things” is the 7’x10′ floor rug in her bedroom:

Ella prefers an orderly closet (good girl!):

On the way to our bedroom, you’ll find the Ella-inspired (but JFM and Bex approved) bathroom:

Bex and I keep our bedroom simple, because a bed has only two purposes (not pictured: several plants):

Shared closet space is easy when you don’t own much:

At the end of the hall you find our office, which doubles as a yoga studio and gym, triples as a solo spin class, and, with an air mattress, quadruples as a guest bedroom:

More Photos

All right, that’s all, folks. Sort of. You can find more photos of our kitchen—including inside our cabinets—on Rebecca’s blog. And if you missed Ryan’s minimalist home tour last month, you can find it here. Finally, you can search the Instagram hashtag #MinimalistHomeTour for more photos of our homes.

P.S. Our documentary, Minimalism, hits Netflix on December 15, 2016.

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