The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside their podcast cohost, T.K. Coleman, this simple-living trio helps millions of people eliminate clutter and live meaningfully with less. Learn More.
Read our free ebook: 16 Rules for Living with Less

The Minimalists Unscripted

We’re getting back to our roots. Sort of. When we first started touring nearly a decade ago, our “events” were aggressively simple. In fact, they weren’t really events—they were small meetups. (Pictured above: The Minimalists at a twelve-person meetup in 2011.)

Back then, we’d simply pick a date, time, city, and venue, and then we’d announce it once via email. That was it. Then, whether there were seven or 70 people there, we’d host an impromptu one-hour discussion with whoever showed up.

We learned a lot from those initial meetups—so much so that we’re going to try it again. But with a twist. When we travel to a new city this year, we’ll announce a free Unscripted meetup 24 hours in advance. You’ll be notified about these meetups only if in our private text group. (Don’t worry, we’ll never send spam, junk, or ads.)

We don’t know what to expect from these Unscripted meetups—they’ll be considerably different from our thousand-person tour stops, which usually include a talk, live podcast, and special guests—but we’ll be there with open hearts, open minds, and free hugs. (Note: for contractual reasons, we can’t host Unscripted meetups while on tour, so if we have a regularly scheduled event near you, get your tickets while they’re still available.)